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    @"(китайское) Ранобе о простом японском лоликонщике" XD

    Сообщение от Yuuichi Посмотреть сообщение
    “Awayume you don’t understand, why is China’s Mr. Yat-Sen called the father of the country? Because he was a lolicon. Why was mathematician Carroll able to write out the world famous fairy tale ‘Alice in Wonderland’? Because he was a lolicon. The world is is formed by lolicons, the course of history is also advanced by lolicons!”


    As a male, if you’re not a lolicon then you are simply unable to grow into a man! Lolicons are the true expression of mautrity!”


    “Only lolicons will awaken truly mature thinking — Paternal ideology. Just think about it, haven’t your fathers always been silently protecting you guys, lolicons are also exactly like this. Lolicons all silently dedicate their all to little lolis, like a father silently and secretly loving and protecting them. It is exactly within this kind of love that will not result in any burden that little lolis healthily grow up, displaying their beauty without any reservations! And this kind of beauty is exactly what lolicons hope for, this is love!”

    О да, здесь в устах Юи-сенсея - настоящий манифест лоликонщика

    Жаль, что перевод не продолжается...


    I am a lolicon, I firmly believe that only lolis possess the beauty of a woman!
    “Change? Ya, I’ve strengthened my heart even more. Regardless if it’s the past, the present, or even the future, I want to be a lolicon who lives to cherish lolis as my purpose!”
    “I’ve already said that I’m not a pervert, I’m just a lolicon that cherishes lolis!”
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    Обязан порекомендовать Mujaki no Rakuen - это великолепно!

    ЗЫ. И для читателей, "(китайское) Ранобе о простом японском лоликонщике" XD
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