ATF ( — один из самых популярных ресурсов для любителей лоликона и сётакона. 10 декабря atf задудосили, при заходе на сайт было сообщение о дудосе. В сообщении говорилось, что сайт вернётся в исходное состояние ближе к четвергу. 12 декабря stories и chat разделы заработали. Потом сайт окончательно упал, снова появилось сообщение о дудосе сайта. Как писал тогда админ, он не будет использовать cloudflare для борьбы с дудос атаками, он будет искать альтернативные решения проблемы. 17 декабря сайт работал какое-то время, потом снова упал. Что будет с сайтом дальше – неизвестно.
Первое сообщение:
Due to DDoS attack (affecting the network), ATF is currently unavailable. I'll work on it this Wednesday after I get home from work. Apologizes for the downtime!
Второе сообщение:
Due to repeated DDoS attacks pulling the sites down, I've now decided to pull the plug until I feel confident that future attacks could be mitigated.
I can not give any ETA when ATF will be back, depends how much time I can find to work on this, could be anything from couple days to weeks.
And no, I don't want to 'just use CloudFlare'.
In the meantime, enjoy what the other sites out there have to offer and contribute to their growth, there's strength in numbers!
Due to DDoS attack (affecting the network), ATF is currently unavailable. I'll work on it this Wednesday after I get home from work. Apologizes for the downtime!
Третье сообщение:
The site known as will be down until further notice due to persistent DDoS attacks.
Will likely have to switch hosts.
There's two physical servers I own that would need to get colocated.
I'd rather not rent as fast storage is quite costly.
Open to suggestions for hosts that tick the boxes:
[ ] country where loli/shota is kosher
[ ] affordable unmetered 10 Gbps/s connection (1.5 PB+ / mo)
[ ] large enough to offer DDoS protection of their own
As for the budget, at the moment ATF costs around 1500 EUR/mo to run, I can't afford to pay more.
If this doesn't work out, I'll try to find someone I can trust to inherit the site, or a way to share (anonymized) data of it.
Maybe during the weekend I set up a chat or something, somewhere, for us to hang?
My contacts:
(please don't ask about alternative sites or where to find a specific mod for a game or anything of the like...)